
Opening Day!

Posted by STBA Tigers on Apr 19 2021 at 11:56AM PDT in Spring/Fall 2021

STBA’s opening day is right around the corner this Saturday, April 24th starting at 10:00 am. Our baseball and softball community is excited this day is finally here. Attached you will find a schedule for the days activities. Some of the highlights will be a singing of the National Anthem and Take Me out To the Ball Game by Tom Yazvac our Superintendent, exhibition games for our coach pitch and tball teams, 10U softball game, Home Run derbys for the Boys from 8U, 10U and 12U, and Skydivers from Ricks Skydiving. Concessions will be open for all to enjoy.

In addtion, we will be having a Chinese Auction and a 50/50 raffle to benefit the family of Alaina Erhardt. Alaina is a Springfield graduate who tragically passed away in March, leaving behind her two young children Parker and Raelyn and her fiancee Ryan. Alaina and her family are very much involved in our community and a big part of our baseball and softball organization.

The Chinese Auction and 50/50 will run from 10-3. All proceeds from the events will be donated to the Alaina Dian Erhardt Memeorial Children’s Fund.

Your son or daughter’s coach will be touching base shortly on your exact teams plans but we hope to see all for the kick-off and opening day of our 2021 season 10:00 am Saturday morning.

The document STBA_Opening_Day_2021_AutoRecovered_.xlsx was attached to this post.